Q1. Out of a survey of 12 people

Q2. When asked to put in priority order

Q3. 10 out of 12 people said they like to know more about the music and band with the most poular answer being the age of the band and what instuments they play.
Q4. 6 out of 12 people said that what it says in magazines dosent matter, they prefer to listen to the music thereselves, and 4 said that what they listen to is decides on what music magazines say and 2 said that it partially does.
Q5. From freinds, internet, TV, radio such as the chart shows, also live streaming computer programmes such as spotify.
Q6.guitars, drums, 'sex, drugs and rock n roll', loud, black, old and amps
Q7. black, white, red, yellow, bold colours, blue, dark and bright
Q8. 1st the band/singeron the front, the main image. 2nd the masterhead
Q9.the most popular magazine is kerrang with 7 out of 12 people choosing it and because it has good colours, good views and new and upcoming bands and covers a wide range of music.
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