Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Pre-test Questionaire
Q1. What is your favorite type of music?
Q2. Do you read music magazines/how often?
Q3. Are you male or female?
Q2. Do you read music magazines/how often?
Q3. Are you male or female?
My questionaire
Music Magazine Questionnaire
What of the following do you expect to see in a music magazine?

Band information and images
Other ……………………………………..
What do you prefer to read about in a music magazine (number 1-5 with 1 being the most)?
Famous existing band
New music
Public opinions
Other ………………………………………
Do you like to know more about the music and band rather than just listening to their music and if so please state?
Do you find that you decide on which music to listen too valued on other people’s opinions in the music magazines?
What other ways do you find out about bands and new music?
What sort of words do you associate with rock music?
What colours do you associate with music magazines and which ones do you think would work best?
What is the thing that stands out at you when you look at a cover of a music magazine?
What is your favorite music magazine and what makes it appealing to you?
Questionnaire answers
Q1. Out of a survey of 12 people

Q2. When asked to put in priority order

Q3. 10 out of 12 people said they like to know more about the music and band with the most poular answer being the age of the band and what instuments they play.
Q4. 6 out of 12 people said that what it says in magazines dosent matter, they prefer to listen to the music thereselves, and 4 said that what they listen to is decides on what music magazines say and 2 said that it partially does.
Q5. From freinds, internet, TV, radio such as the chart shows, also live streaming computer programmes such as spotify., drums, 'sex, drugs and rock n roll', loud, black, old and amps
Q7. black, white, red, yellow, bold colours, blue, dark and bright
Q8. 1st the band/singeron the front, the main image. 2nd the masterhead
Q9.the most popular magazine is kerrang with 7 out of 12 people choosing it and because it has good colours, good views and new and upcoming bands and covers a wide range of music.
audience research
In order to establish the audience for my media product which is a music magazine of the genre rock, I am going to have to make an audience profile which is creating a mass audience for certain age ranges. I have split it in to three age ranges, Teens, 20-30 and 30-50+ I have done this as those three different groups have lived very different music related lives.
The teenagers who listen to the music will be listening to modern things and will want to know about new and upcoming bands, also these teenagers have not yet lived a full life yet or even one of freedom with no school so they imagine what life will be like as a rock star, they aspire to be famous and to live the life and if not fame the freedom of travelling to gigs and listening to the music. Teens also will not have a great deal of money to spend on albums so they would download individual songs and the magazine can provide a website in which they are able to do so.
Whereas the 20-30 year old will have grown up on rock music and would be into more of the big bands at the moment as they will be living the life and going to gigs and wanting to know what's hot in the present day which is still performing now. They have lived a bit and are at their prime time to go out and have fun so in the magazine they will want to know what's good to buy as they will be the ones earning money and being able to go out and buy CD's.
The 30 -50+ are the people who have already lived the rock life and have gotten old and settled down to a peaceful life and in the magazine they would want to relive the good old days listening to the classic rock band and reminiscing on their personal stories and their connections that they have with the bands. These people will not want to know about new bands and music but old classics that provide nostalgia.
institutions research
When researching institutions I learnt many things and started to realize actually how much of our media is controlled by a few huge conglomerates.
Such as Bauer, a large German publishing company which owns many media subsidiaries which operate in the UK. But also operates in 14 other countries worldwide, including Germany, USA, Spain, France, China, Russia which are the most powerful countries in the world and all 1st world so that they have a large audience with the money to buy their media products. Bauer has recently bought EMAP consumer magazine division, radio station division and consumer media business, so expanded greatly across the UK. Bauer currently owns Q and Kerrang which are two very popular music magazines in Britain with different audiences, such as kerrang being a more popular modern genre of music whereas Q is more hard rock for adults, Q also has its own radio, television channel and also its own annual music award show, and are considered one of Britain's best music award shows. Bauer also has a 50% stake in the British television company, box television.
another institutions is IPC media, which is one of the UK's leading consumer magazine and digital publisher, that currently own magazines like NME and Womens own. it is holdings of three companies- george newnes, odhams press and fleetway publications. it is now a time Warner subsidiary
a media institution similar to Bauer and IPC media, are the sort of people who will distribute my media product as it reaches out to a large audience and contains international music from the UK and the USA, so it will be able to be published in many countries. also it is similar to kerrang and NME which have proved to be big sellers and reaches out to a large audience. I believe that my magazine will help provide more to a media institution by expanding there target audiences and thus a new found area of profit.
another institutions is IPC media, which is one of the UK's leading consumer magazine and digital publisher, that currently own magazines like NME and Womens own. it is holdings of three companies- george newnes, odhams press and fleetway publications. it is now a time Warner subsidiary
a media institution similar to Bauer and IPC media, are the sort of people who will distribute my media product as it reaches out to a large audience and contains international music from the UK and the USA, so it will be able to be published in many countries. also it is similar to kerrang and NME which have proved to be big sellers and reaches out to a large audience. I believe that my magazine will help provide more to a media institution by expanding there target audiences and thus a new found area of profit.
music magazine analysis

There are many similarities between this cover and the NME one I previously anaylised, such as the main image being a studio shot and taking over the whole front cover and covering more masterhead. Unlike the NME magazine cover they have put smaller images of groups and text in front of the large image that covers the bottom third of the page. Across the top there is a small banner which has names of a few other famous bands that may attract readers that pay closer attention to it. Over the large studio shot there is the name of the band in large font which shows us that the name of the band is more noticable than the faces of the people in the band, unlike the band U2 where Bono is really famous and his face is known around the world. This front cover reaches out to many different ages with the images of different types of rock like metallica which reaches out to the older generation, and paramore which is for the younger people and also panic at the disco is for young people as it is modern rock and has more of a pop factor to it but this is a good way of covering a larger audience. there are many coverlines to attract people to buy this such as the 'FREE live poster special!' this attracts customers as they see this as them getting somithing extra and the fact they use the word special makes it sound like your getting something unique and better than others like it. also at the very bottom there is a banner which is a list of other bands that appear in this issue of the magazine, they are less famous than the rest of the bands but they must be known a bit to even bother putting them on there. like NME music magazine, Kerrang is also published weekly and offers a different famous band/singer every week and includes reviews, interviews, compotitions etc. the colour scheme of this magazine is similar to NME's by using mainly black and white, although this magazine uses much less red and also uses yellow for the arrow as it makes it stand out from the dull background
This is a contents page from a kerrang magazine. The colour scheme is similar to the front cover which suggest that they use a continuous colour scheme throughout the whole magazine also it is very picture based which show that there main selling point is the bands and artist that make the music which show that it is purely for people that buy this magazine for. the pictures consist of studio shots and shots taken at live Giggs and there is one of AC/DC which is there logo, and out of 9 pictures 8 are the same size and there is one which is larger and takes up the space of 4 smaller photos so this must be a really famous band to attract more space in the magazine so must be a big selling point for when people look at the contents page. the layout is set out well and you can grid the whole page by 4x4 and 3x4 is taken up by pictures and small information and the 1x4 is the right hand column which contains just text about other pages in the magazine which might not attract as much attention as the the top right corner there is the text contents in yellow against a black background which makes it stand out. then lower down it says this week which is black on yellow and along list of what the magazine contains, and this reminds you that it is a weekly magazine and the vast content they are able to get in a week.
This is a double page spread in a edition of NME it features the band green day, a very famous band from America and that have gone world wide. when looking at double page spreads they mostly feature really famous bands as they have to cover 2 pages near the front of the magazine so they need to attract a lot of attention from audiences. half of the double page spread is taken up by a studio shot of the band posing with the lead man in front as he has the most recognisable face by people who are not great fans of them. also anyone who is a fan will see that in their hands they are holding a red grenade in the shape of a heart which is also there album cover of there most famous single 'American idiot'. then the second half is text about the band and about there new album it has a image of the album cover near the top accompanied by it's name. the background colour is a sort of light beige and shows off the black text and the colour scheme is white, black, red and other mixes of red like beige and orange this keeps it very simple and makes it look good.
My photographs to use on the magazine
i chose this top picture to work with as she was doing an angry face and look scarier and this was her image she was trying to portray as her music is hardcore.
I didn't choose this as she looks bored and there is no emotion in the picture
this photo she seems sarcastic and its a bad pose
she seemed to posed and i not being serious enough for it to relate to her type of music.
starting to design my front cover
instead of a plain white background on my front cover i wanted to design a graphic that is on the background using the colours which people most associated with a rock magazine. i want to do this so that it stands out from other magazines and also to make it appealing to the audience by making it something to relate to rock music. after experimenting on Sumo paint i have played around with different designs and shown some of my experiments below
i have now designed a final graphic to feature in the background of my magazine front cover
the process of making this graphic was done on sumo paint, a free online service similar to paint but with extras such as a symmetry tool which came in handy when creating,

i started off with one of the pre-set brush tools,and i chose this one as it curvy and looked like small sprouts of grass and as my magazine is called paradise i related it back to a hot summers day on a grass field.

Next i enlarged it to its maximum size and turned on symmetry with 6 symmetry points and positioned the brush near the right of the page, but not so far out that the edges wont touch.
the colour i choose to do this first was black just so that it would give me a strong basic idea of what it will look like and i thought that i could experiment with colour later. I clicked the brush a few times to get a nice strong tone.
after i started to add colour to it and i decided on three main colours, black, red and white seeing as these colours were picked as good music magazine colours in my survey which i conducted.
after adding the black i decided that the red edges needed to look a bit transparant as if it was fading so i overlay a few layers of thin white to add a low opacity feeling to the edges.

I put it on photo shop and made it have a transparent background, after seeing how bad it looked as an overlay.
After trying the graphic overlaying the photo I can see thaat it does not look good and need to incorporate the image in a better way for it to work with the whole music magazine i will try cuting out the image and making the background transparant and placing the graphic behind it.
after trying the graphic behind i have decided that it looks better and more professional and it also provide the idea that this graphic could be used every week with just different bands and people placed over it
next i had to work on the master head and i started out with a font that i downloaded from dafont, called INFECTED after constructing a survey from various fonts which i liked, (which can be seen in the previous blog post) i loaded it up on photo shop and experimented.
I started by highlighting all the black in and around the text because this is what i want to change as it seems too plain.
I then clicked on the refine edges button at the top and wasn't sure what it did but was intrigued into what it did.
i started by selecting the black button at the bottom in which inverts the colours
then i increased the radius from 0 to its maximum of 250 and this gave it a sort of white glow around it and made it seem to be more transparent and fading out
i then increased the feather but it just blurred it and i didn't like the effect
i increased it further and it just made it unreadable, so I changed feather back down to 0
after putting the feather back down, tried increasing the smoothness and i liked outcome as it looked like it had been painted on and it looked to be multi layered but after getting feedback from people they seemed to criticize it of being a music magazine master head and thought that it did not work for my media product
after changing it back to what it was before, i still felt like something was missing and so i thought about some sort of pattern or design so i had to click OK to accept the settings, but when i did it went back to how it was before so if i was going to get this on my magazine i had to think of a clever way of doing it
again i highlighted all the black on the text so that when i add a pattern it would only show up on the black and not go over the edges
i started by selecting the brush tool and scrolled through the different brushes and liked the star one
so i set the colour to white and stared clicking a lot randomly and immediately liked the effect it bought so i touched it up with a few cleverly placed stars to complete the effect
i then went back to the refine edges and repaeted my steps again in order to get the effect i liked before hand
i then printscreened it and copied it into paint and saved as a JPEG file, and then opened it in page plus
when putting this on it was boxed in a rectangle but i decided to curve the edges as it seemed smoother and made it look more professional.
i then changed the line round it to 0 so that it looked smooth and placed on like a sticker
on this one i have just added the side box on the left hand side which will home the sub stories and will consist of 3 picture a small amount of text information about them to hook the audience
starting to develop my contents page
Names suggestions for my music magazine
Modern Music ll
Paradise llll llll llll llll llll
TBC llll
Chill ll
Beats & Bars llll llll llll
Strings & Sounds lll
UKC llll llll ll
F.A.C.E. llll
Type font design
Modern Music ll
Paradise llll llll llll llll llll
TBC llll
Chill ll
Beats & Bars llll llll llll
Strings & Sounds lll
UKC llll llll ll
F.A.C.E. llll
Type font design
there are reasons behind why I chose these particular names to test out on the public and meaning behind the names and why they relate to a music magazine
modern music- i chose this as it tells people who look at it, that it is a music magazine with new music in it like the chart music, which is popular, so people are more likly to buy it as it is music that they are listening to at that moment
Paradise- i chose this as it hints towards something be great and reading this magazine will be 'paradise' and you will enjoy it
TBC- which stands for Take Back the Charts which gives you the power of controling the charts and choosing your music
Guidelines - this name suggests that what is in the magazine are 'guidelines' to the music, like it is showing you what music is good and to educate you on what music is good and makes you able to make your own choice on after being guided
Chill - this name suggest that is a layed back magazine and that you can just relax while reading it and thats it does not pressure you into buying/listening to certain music
Beats & Bars - this name tells you that it is a music magazine and also links with new music, but i dont think it links in with rock as beats are more for hip hop
Strings & Sounds - this name is similar to the above but i have changed it so that it relates more to rock music with the idea of guitars, but when i hear this name it reminds me more of classical music and instruments like the viola and chello as the name is too soft for rock music.
UKC - this stands for United Kingdom Charts, and this name suggest that the music in this magazine is popular music so it is music that the majority of people listen too and are willing to buy so they are also more likely to buy this magazine to find out more about the band/artist
F.A.C.E. - this magazine name is very strongly linked to music as the spaces on the treble clef staff, from bottom to top, correspond to the letters F A C E, the only problem with this is that only people who play intruments or read music will understand it and it relates to classical music too much
my final outcomes
My Final Front Cover
this is my final front cover for my music magazine. the main image on the front is a large image of Laurenn a member of the band 'SHOCK BLOCK' and the image i used, i did so to portray the look anti social and being rebellious the zoom on the text was done on page plus i added it to give the effect of it being smashed down onto the magazine after everything else was done just this was forced on and also relates to how well the band have done and how quickly, like have literally burst onto the scene. on the side with my sub stories i tried normal boxed images and did not like it so i obscured them on page plus and just so they looked wonky and unusual. the sticker on the magazine underneath the 100 was done to show about gigs and many magazines do this and use it as pugs for gigs of free items so i used it for the sonisophere festival, and i put no line around it so it looked like a sticker. across the top i put a strap line to show there was an exclusive about the band Emtrex which people would like to know more about. as you can see from the name of the magazine 'PARIDISE' it is spelt differently to the original paradise and i did this as it sounds the same when saying it but i did it to show relaxation and this magazine is not a stressful one but one you can read and be relaxed and it can take you to paradise.
My Final Contents Page
This is my final contents page and i have continued to use the colour scheme of black, white, red and yellow i have used 4 picture one large that covers about two third of the picture bit, on my pictures i added a thick black line around it and numbers which relate to the box at the bottom which tells you pages to find what you want.behind all this when starting the background I put a solid box of red and the added a patterned transparency and a drop shadow which made it seem like it was floating in the air, and that light was shining through it at the very top i put a big box with the text 'THIS WEEK' to remind people it is a weekly magazine and this is the contents of the magazine and at the bottom in the box i put all the information about the contents and related it back to the pictures. my pictures vary from studio shot to location shots in gigs and i have photoshoped them to enhance and make them seem more vibrant. with the small picture of lou lou at the top i photoshoped lots and mage it really dark and made her seem red and evil.
My Final Double Page Spread
this is my final double page spread and again I have kept the colour scheme I have been using through out my magazine. I feel I have kept to the classic codes and conventions of a double page spread as about half the page is the image of the person in question and the other half is text. I enhanced the image in photoshop but just her so it made her stand out from the ordinary day background. when taking the picture I got her to pose in a relaxed, natural stance to show what typed of person she is and in everyday clothes such as trainers, jeans and a shirt. this make her seem ordinary and so people can relate to her. in between the box of text and the image of her I put a quote but did each word individually and obscured it and strong word i put in capitals and put a colour box round them which makes pop out more. the stage name she goes by is lou lou so i put this in large text and in pink with a double line round it and i did this as she is a woman so pink seems and appropriate colour but she is a butch girl and that is why lou is spelt in the man way i also put a slight patterned transparency on the pink to add a cool effect. on the text boxes i kept the colour black and red but i put a thick black line round them and a water patterned transparency effect on it as it relates to paradise which is the name of the magazine.
Q1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
my media product uses many classic codes and conventions of real music magazine most notable would be the layout, as I have positioned the master head, coverlines, images, strap lines and word texts on my magazine in similar positions to what NME and kerrang do for there real media products. I have chosen to do this because I feel to capture the professional look and feel to a music magazine, I need to include these basic things to get a basic structure in which i can work on and then challenge or develop my ideas as I work on.
to develop my ideas I have decided to take the classic code and convention of a music magazine such as the image being a studio shot and having a white background, and to develop this I created a simple graphic to feature behind the artist, in order to make it more interesting to look at so when audiences see it they look a bit longer as it draws eyes into it and guides your eye to the centre were the band is featured. I later challenged this convention by changing the background colour to black, and i left it this way as i felt it worked better with the images I had used and the whole design of things, like the boxes i used to be behind the images of bands,the effect i used was a rock and water transparency pattern which looked better with black showing through the transparent parts, also i used the rock and water pattern as it relates to the name of the magazine 'paradise' like the image of a beach and relaxing by the sea, it is a fantasy which many would associate with the word paradise.
i have also challenged codes and conventions for example the main image on the front cover on mine i have used an image where the person does not have a direct mode of address with the audience but instead i have taken the photo so she is side on with her hood up so you can just see the bottom half of her face as the hood is covering the rest. I have done this to display the meaning of this band as it shows her hood up looking away and it represents the youth and this is a young band and because she is looking away it gives an impression that she does not really care and that this group is rebellious. also the way she is seemed to be leaning against the edge of the magazine cover shows her to be a bit rebellious and being a youth just hanging out, also the way she has her arm in the air like pointing to the sky is a similar arm position to what people do at raves and so show enthusiasm towards what she does and again is that idea of youth. I feel this would work and appeal to the younger age group as they would be interested and intrigued buy this band that seem to have no rules and doesn't care what you think about them as it provides them with a mysterious aspect that we feel drawn to and willing to investigate. but for older age group I feel that the main image will not attract them but other things on the magazine such as the strapline at the top is aimed for them as it is an already famous band and also the smaller images at the side of a classic rock band so it provides something for all age groups.
Q2 how does your media product represent particular social groups?
my media product uses many classic codes and conventions of real music magazine most notable would be the layout, as I have positioned the master head, coverlines, images, strap lines and word texts on my magazine in similar positions to what NME and kerrang do for there real media products. I have chosen to do this because I feel to capture the professional look and feel to a music magazine, I need to include these basic things to get a basic structure in which i can work on and then challenge or develop my ideas as I work on.
to develop my ideas I have decided to take the classic code and convention of a music magazine such as the image being a studio shot and having a white background, and to develop this I created a simple graphic to feature behind the artist, in order to make it more interesting to look at so when audiences see it they look a bit longer as it draws eyes into it and guides your eye to the centre were the band is featured. I later challenged this convention by changing the background colour to black, and i left it this way as i felt it worked better with the images I had used and the whole design of things, like the boxes i used to be behind the images of bands,the effect i used was a rock and water transparency pattern which looked better with black showing through the transparent parts, also i used the rock and water pattern as it relates to the name of the magazine 'paradise' like the image of a beach and relaxing by the sea, it is a fantasy which many would associate with the word paradise.
i have also challenged codes and conventions for example the main image on the front cover on mine i have used an image where the person does not have a direct mode of address with the audience but instead i have taken the photo so she is side on with her hood up so you can just see the bottom half of her face as the hood is covering the rest. I have done this to display the meaning of this band as it shows her hood up looking away and it represents the youth and this is a young band and because she is looking away it gives an impression that she does not really care and that this group is rebellious. also the way she is seemed to be leaning against the edge of the magazine cover shows her to be a bit rebellious and being a youth just hanging out, also the way she has her arm in the air like pointing to the sky is a similar arm position to what people do at raves and so show enthusiasm towards what she does and again is that idea of youth. I feel this would work and appeal to the younger age group as they would be interested and intrigued buy this band that seem to have no rules and doesn't care what you think about them as it provides them with a mysterious aspect that we feel drawn to and willing to investigate. but for older age group I feel that the main image will not attract them but other things on the magazine such as the strapline at the top is aimed for them as it is an already famous band and also the smaller images at the side of a classic rock band so it provides something for all age groups.
Q2 how does your media product represent particular social groups?
my media product of a music magazine, with genre rock represents a particular social groups, which would be the rock group. there are many different sub groups within the rock group, that listen to difernet types of rock music, such as heavy metal, classic rock, modern rock, glam rock and punk rock. all of these groups dress differently and will be intrested in different things within a music magazine. i will have to included something for all different genres of rock music. my magazine represents the rock group by containing stuff for that genre and interviews and reviews of music.
In my magazine i will include things for all of my different audiences based on my audience profile and what sort if institutions would publish my media product. On my front cover I will use a large image of a famous person of group as it is a classic code and covention of music magazines it will be a modern famous person or group. My magazine will be aimed at popular rock fans and soft rock that has a large audience, as the music i will review will be of music in the charts which will attract young people who inspire to be famous. I believe that my media product represents these people in many ways to the colours used and the clothes that they wear.
Q3 what kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
When researching institutions I learnt many things and started to realize actually how much of our media is controlled by a few huge conglomerates.
Such as Bauer, a large German publishing company which owns many media subsidiaries which operate in the UK. But also operates in 14 other countries worldwide, including Germany, USA, Spain, France, China, Russia which are the most powerful countries in the world and all 1st world so that they have a large audience with the money to buy their media products. Bauer has recently bought EMAP consumer magazine division, radio station division and consumer media business, so expanded greatly across the UK. Bauer currently owns Q and Kerrang which are two very popular music magazines in Britain with different audiences, such as kerrang being a more popular modern genre of music whereas Q is more hard rock for adults, Q also has its own radio, television channel and also its own annual music award show, and are considered one of Britain's best music award shows. Bauer also has a 50% stake in the British television company, box television.
another institutions is IPC media, which is one of the UK's leading consumer magazine and digital publisher, that currently own magazines like NME and Womens own. it is holdings of three companies- george newnes, odhams press and fleetway publications. it is now a time Warner subsidiary
a media institution similar to Bauer and IPC media, are the sort of people who will distribute my media product as it reaches out to a large audience and contains international music from the UK and the USA, so it will be able to be published in many countries. also it is similar to kerrang and NME which have proved to be big sellers and reaches out to a large audience. I believe that my magazine will help provide more to a media institution by expanding there target audiences and thus a new found area of profit.
Such as Bauer, a large German publishing company which owns many media subsidiaries which operate in the UK. But also operates in 14 other countries worldwide, including Germany, USA, Spain, France, China, Russia which are the most powerful countries in the world and all 1st world so that they have a large audience with the money to buy their media products. Bauer has recently bought EMAP consumer magazine division, radio station division and consumer media business, so expanded greatly across the UK. Bauer currently owns Q and Kerrang which are two very popular music magazines in Britain with different audiences, such as kerrang being a more popular modern genre of music whereas Q is more hard rock for adults, Q also has its own radio, television channel and also its own annual music award show, and are considered one of Britain's best music award shows. Bauer also has a 50% stake in the British television company, box television.
another institutions is IPC media, which is one of the UK's leading consumer magazine and digital publisher, that currently own magazines like NME and Womens own. it is holdings of three companies- george newnes, odhams press and fleetway publications. it is now a time Warner subsidiary
a media institution similar to Bauer and IPC media, are the sort of people who will distribute my media product as it reaches out to a large audience and contains international music from the UK and the USA, so it will be able to be published in many countries. also it is similar to kerrang and NME which have proved to be big sellers and reaches out to a large audience. I believe that my magazine will help provide more to a media institution by expanding there target audiences and thus a new found area of profit.
Q4 who would be the audience for your media product?
In order to establish the audience for my media product which is a music magazine of the genre rock, I am going to have to make an audience profile which is creating a mass audience for certain age ranges. I have split it in to three age ranges, Teens, 20-30 and 30-50+ I have done this as those three different groups have lived very different music related lives.
The teenagers who listen to the music will be listening to modern things and will want to know about new and upcoming bands, also these teenagers have not yet lived a full life yet or even one of freedom with no school so they imagine what life will be like as a rock star, they aspire to be famous and to live the life and if not fame the freedom of travelling to gigs and listening to the music. Teens also will not have a great deal of money to spend on albums so they would download individual songs and the magazine can provide a website in which they are able to do so.
Whereas the 20-30 year old will have grown up on rock music and would be into more of the big bands at the moment as they will be living the life and going to gigs and wanting to know what's hot in the present day which is still performing now. They have lived a bit and are at their prime time to go out and have fun so in the magazine they will want to know what's good to buy as they will be the ones earning money and being able to go out and buy CD's.
The 30 -50+ are the people who have already lived the rock life and have gotten old and settled down to a peaceful life and in the magazine they would want to relive the good old days listening to the classic rock band and reminiscing on their personal stories and their connections that they have with the bands. These people will not want to know about new bands and music but old classics that provide nostalgia.
Q5 How did you attract/address your audience?
To attract audiences for my media product I have, on my front page used colours that stand out from each other for instance my masterhead is white on black and same with my band name, and i feel this works as it draws the audiences eye to that part which is its main selling point, as they would recognise the band name and be intrigued into finding out more. i have also added effects to texts on the magazine such as on the front cover the text that says 'top 100 summer hits' i have added a patterned transparency and used light colours that stand out against the dark background and also on the '100' i have added a reflection which makes that bit stand out more and emphasises the large amount that is 100 songs. Also the smaller images on the left hand side which relate to music and fashion, which are topics reflected through out my magazine and are subjects that i have focused on for my audience. also on the front cover i have used an image of a someone who is 17 and this also shows my main target audience for this edition. the clothes she is dressed in also help to capture my audience, as she is wearing a hoodie and jeans which is what a large majority of young people wear so when looking at this they would feel like they can connect more. also on of my side stories was on fashion and based on different social groups which is intended for teens and younger people so i feel that they would feel connected to there and interested in finding out more, and that is a main feature with my stories i give the basic information away to hook the audience so that they want to find out more and so it interests them enough so that they feel bonded with in and intrigued.
Q6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
i have learnt many things during this whole process in the way of technology. my photoshop skills have improved massively and i have learnt things such as how to make things transparent and refine edges. I did find difficulties though but I managed to experiment and find ways round and sometimes getting the quality right was difficult as the photo did save in the correct format to put straight onto page plus so every time i wanted to add a image i had to print-screen it and add it to paint then save it as a JPEG file so that it was compatible and this was a pain every time but it was the only way to do this as i needed to edit my pictures in photoshop to enhance them and make them better.
on page plus i managed to make images transparent, on on text i discovered how to add reflections underneath and add a patterned transparency over the colour on the text and i also learnt how to add lines round the text and how to increase and decrease the size of the line and colour.
Q7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
i feel i have progressed greatly on my final product since doing my preliminary task. i have learnt what works well and the use of colours scheme and patterns. i feel my preliminary task was quite well done and a crucial part of my final design as i made mistakes and improved on them. also as my final product was based for a paying audience i fell i got in a frame of mind that allowed me to focus on my audience and submerse myself in the whole project and when creating was thinking about my audience and what would appeal to them and sell.
also when doing my final piece i enhanced the images and made every single detail count and took into consideration what needed to be done to make this magazine the best it could be.
i feel i have a greater knowledge of computer than most other doing the AS media coursework and was often asked on how to do things and took it upon my self to help and learn as well from ideas and develop further
Q5 How did you attract/address your audience?
To attract audiences for my media product I have, on my front page used colours that stand out from each other for instance my masterhead is white on black and same with my band name, and i feel this works as it draws the audiences eye to that part which is its main selling point, as they would recognise the band name and be intrigued into finding out more. i have also added effects to texts on the magazine such as on the front cover the text that says 'top 100 summer hits' i have added a patterned transparency and used light colours that stand out against the dark background and also on the '100' i have added a reflection which makes that bit stand out more and emphasises the large amount that is 100 songs. Also the smaller images on the left hand side which relate to music and fashion, which are topics reflected through out my magazine and are subjects that i have focused on for my audience. also on the front cover i have used an image of a someone who is 17 and this also shows my main target audience for this edition. the clothes she is dressed in also help to capture my audience, as she is wearing a hoodie and jeans which is what a large majority of young people wear so when looking at this they would feel like they can connect more. also on of my side stories was on fashion and based on different social groups which is intended for teens and younger people so i feel that they would feel connected to there and interested in finding out more, and that is a main feature with my stories i give the basic information away to hook the audience so that they want to find out more and so it interests them enough so that they feel bonded with in and intrigued.
Q6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
i have learnt many things during this whole process in the way of technology. my photoshop skills have improved massively and i have learnt things such as how to make things transparent and refine edges. I did find difficulties though but I managed to experiment and find ways round and sometimes getting the quality right was difficult as the photo did save in the correct format to put straight onto page plus so every time i wanted to add a image i had to print-screen it and add it to paint then save it as a JPEG file so that it was compatible and this was a pain every time but it was the only way to do this as i needed to edit my pictures in photoshop to enhance them and make them better.
on page plus i managed to make images transparent, on on text i discovered how to add reflections underneath and add a patterned transparency over the colour on the text and i also learnt how to add lines round the text and how to increase and decrease the size of the line and colour.
Q7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
i feel i have progressed greatly on my final product since doing my preliminary task. i have learnt what works well and the use of colours scheme and patterns. i feel my preliminary task was quite well done and a crucial part of my final design as i made mistakes and improved on them. also as my final product was based for a paying audience i fell i got in a frame of mind that allowed me to focus on my audience and submerse myself in the whole project and when creating was thinking about my audience and what would appeal to them and sell.
also when doing my final piece i enhanced the images and made every single detail count and took into consideration what needed to be done to make this magazine the best it could be.
i feel i have a greater knowledge of computer than most other doing the AS media coursework and was often asked on how to do things and took it upon my self to help and learn as well from ideas and develop further
In my evaluation the following questions must be answered:
1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
5. How did you attract/address your audience?
6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constucting this product?
7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
5. How did you attract/address your audience?
6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constucting this product?
7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
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